We Buy and Sell
Mobile Homes & Manufactured Homes
Let Us Help You
Looking for a home can be a frustrating task to take on while also juggling the demands of life. It’s even more frustrating searching for a home that is within your budget. We know that this is a difficult process.
Selling a home can be a challenge especially when faced with a time constraint. How to market your home and where to market your home is an undertaking. This is a task that we can help you with.
Helping Hands Affordable Solutions is a company whose sole focus is to help. We are a licensed and bonded retailer that services the entire state of Tennessee.
What Our Clients Say
What We Offer
We Can Help You…
buy your next mobile home or manufactured home
sell your mobile home or manufactured home
Who We Are
We Serve English Speaking and Spanish Speaking Families
We are a company made of individuals who have experienced the stress that comes with finding an affordable home. These experiences enable us to serve our communities with empathy and kindness. We stand on a solid foundation of building trustworthy relationships with families and individuals. Our promise is to not only assist you with your home buying or home selling experience but to also listen intently to your needs while also leading with compassion.
Quienes Somos
Somos una empresa formada por personas que han experimentado el estrés que conlleva encontrar una vivienda asequible. Estas experiencias nos permiten servir a nuestras comunidades con empatía y amabilidad. Estamos sobre una base sólida para construir relaciones confiables con familias y individuos. Nuestra promesa es no solo ayudarlo con su experiencia de compra o venta de vivienda, sino también escuchar atentamente sus necesidades y al mismo tiempo liderar con compasión.
Contáctenos ahora para que podamos ayudarlo a comprar o vender su casa móvil. No hablamos español pero podemos enviar mensajes de texto en español al 615-241-3026.
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